Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Portal 3 (Update)

So, a while ago I posted a few ideas for the game Portal 3, and this time I think I have a much better idea. Originally, back in Portal 1, the ending of the game was slightly different than it is now. If you played, say, the Orange Box on the Xbox 360 or PS3, you know how it ends. GLaDOS explodes, the screen fades out, and you find yourself in Aperture Science looking at the cake. The game seems to end. However, back in 2007, Portal received an update changing the ending so an unnamed robot dragged Chell back into Aperture. So, if Valve decided to have the ground crack open and Chell come crashing into the lab, I wouldn't put it past them. Hopefully, their idea for a new ending is better than mine, but at least it's plausible, especially since they've done it before. Leave comments below about what you think Portal 3 would be about, or how Valve could make it transition from Portal 2.

I Live! (In Fear....)

Hi guys! Sorry it's been so long since my last post. I've kind of been busy. I got a new job, and have avidly been trying out new video games. For example, I've recently started a playthrough of a Early Access game on Steam called Sir, You Are Being Hunted. For those of you who don't know about this game, you play as a British man (apparently a key plot point) and are trying to collect around 25 teleport pieces. Unfortunately for you, there are hundreds of steam-punk robots chasing after you carrying shotguns and just being difficult. The game is in early alpha, so it's a little buggy and has a lot of placeholder stuff. But other than that, it's a lot of fun. It was definitely worth the $20 spent. Take a look when you get the chance.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What I've Been Up To: Games

Sorry guys. I've been enjoying my summer just a little too much. I completely spaced the last few days of posting. I figured should tell you all about my gaming so far this summer.

1.) Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga: This is one of my favorite games, and I just recently restarted it. I'll probably do a Favorite Game post about this because it could take me a whole 5 page essay to describe what I enjoy about this game. Those of you who are familiar with this series may not have heard of/ played this game. I assure you it is the best one. I've nearly completed it again, and already I wonder when I can play through it again.

Super Mario Galaxy (1)- I know, another Mario title. I think I'm getting back into the Nintendo kick again. I loved their games since I was little, and I still love them today. The reason I am playing the first Galaxy game is because I never collected all the stars, which unlocks (spoiler alert) Super Luigi Galaxy. I stopped playing the game because I wanted to play the sequel really badly. And  now that I finished the second one, its time for me to finish what I started.

Surgeon Simulator 2013: Completely different from the last 2 games, but still an interesting title. Especially since the Meet the Medic update. In this update, you can play as the Medic from TF2 and perform surgery on the Heavy Weapons Guy. Pretty much follow exactly what the Medic did in the trailer for TF2: Meet the Medic (link here). It's a lot of fun, and I was surprised that Valve even let them do it. Definitely check it out. (Note: the free version online doesn't have the Meet the Medic Update)

So, yeah. That's pretty much the gaming highlights of my summer. I mean, I played a lot of other games, but not to the extent of these three. Leave a comment about what games you've been playing. I will try to post more frequently, so don't forget to follow my blog! Thanks

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Who is the Fairest?

I've been spending some time thinking about the characters in Super Mario, and I asked myself the question: Which Mario princess is the best? I feel like I need to be doing more Top 5s, so why not another one?

5.)Princess Daisy-
There are SO many things I dislike about Princess Daisy. First of all, she got kidnapped like Peach did. (Not as often, but still not good) She is never guarding her kingdom, and is always spending time in Mushroom Kingdom. For all we know, Sarasaland (her kingdom) has been taken over by countless baddies, and she doesn't even know. Quite irresponsible for a ruler, don't you think? Also, she is probably the most annoying person in the whole franchise. Her voice in games like Mario Kart and Mario Tennis is literally like nails on a chalkboard to me. Anyway, that's why shes at last place.

4.)Princess Shroob-
That's right, an ANTAGONIST ranked higher than Princess Daisy. But seriously, I actually have respect for Princess Shroob. She demands the utmost respect of her subjects, and receives it. She and her sister ruled the Shroobs together and almost completely took over Mushroom Kingdom. Unfortunately for her, she couldn't stand up to the Mario Bros. But anyone who has that sort of control over her subjects is worthy of mention.

3.) Princess Peach-
Peach had one game where she actually did anything useful. Of course, that game was actually pretty terrible, but she did do something. However, most of the time she gets kidnapped by Bowser. You'd THINK she'd up her protection after the 20th time, but whatever. Obviously, I'm not monarch material. Even her treatment of her subjects is iffy. In most of the games, she is a kind ruler who is fair and just. But once Super Smash Bros comes along, the Toads act as a human shield to protect their princess. What a douche!

2.) Pauline-
Though technically not a princess, Pauline is definitely one of the BEST female characters in the game. She was abandoned as the primary damsel in distress, replaced by Princess Peach, and STILL returned in other Mario games. She is even still on speaking terms with Mario after the breakup. This woman is truly a trooper!

1.) Rosalina
I spent a really long time thinking of a valid argument for Rosalina being #1. Just think about it: Rosalina is a princess in SPACE. Already a good arguement because space is awesome. But then you factor in the fact that she adopted a whole race of star people when she was a little girl. Also, still when she was a girl, she rode a comet INTO SPACE. No need for any breathing equipment, she has all the air she needs. She at some point taught herself magic, and (from no known previous experience) she built a space ship/space station out of a comet. She LITERALLY can do anything. I have no clue just how she pulled it off, but she managed to do it AS A LITTLE GIRL! She wins. Hands down.

So, you know, leave a comment about just what you think the best princess is in Mario games. Doesn't even have to be Mario either, just favorite female characters in Nintendo games. Also, just so you guys know, I will be gone until Friday at the earliest on vacation. So don't expect any updates for a while. Don't forget to follow my blog. My YouTube channel hit a minor snag involving some lost footage, but it will be up soon. Thanks for passing by!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Who is the Greatest Mario Bro of Them All?

I always knew I loved Luigi. Since I was a wee gamer, I knew in my heart that Luigi was the coolest. Of course, then he was known to me as Green Mario and Mario was Red Mario, but I was little, so shut up. Unfortunately, I never really had evidence to back it up, but now, with a little bit of research, I bring to you the Amazing Luigi!
(Starting with he has a meme and Mario doesn't.)

1.) He's A Wuss- Not exactly winning Luigi points, am I? Just think about it: Mario goes around rescuing Princesses and fighting bosses, and he's as brave as anyone. In Mario's mind, he's invincible. However, look at Luigi. He hates fighting Bowser, he really hates going on adventures, and he STILL does it anyway. Sometimes he's forced to, (Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon) but he still gets the job done. In fact, Mario's been kidnapped more times in the franchise than Luigi has! (LM, LMDM, Mario is Missing, Super Princess Peach, ect.) The point is Luigi is WAY more scared than Mario, and he does the job BETTER than Mario. Interesting....
2.) Gets The Short End Of The Stick- Luigi always helps save Princess Peach. However, Mario is the one to get all the credit. Luigi probably doesn't even get a cut of the coins when it's all over! What's with that? Sure, Mario is the more well known of the franchise, but look at him! His 'stache is poorly kept, he makes the most obnoxious noises, he's a drug addict, (don't tell me those mushrooms aren't psychedelic) and he ALWAYS lets Peach get kidnapped. Prevention is key, people! After 30 or so kidnappings, you'd think Mario would have wised up. There are some adventures where Luigi HAS to help Mario. The Mario and Luigi series would be pointless if Luigi stayed home!
3.)Kind- Say what you will about Luigi, but he really cares about others. In Mario Galaxy 2, he volunteers to take on the challenges ahead instead of you. And he does a bang up job of it as well. When Mario caught Bean Fever in M+L Superstar Saga, he allowed himself to be hypnotized into thinking he WAS Mario until he found the cure.
4.) Takes SO MUCH SHIT!- Luigi always gets made fun of. In M+L Partners in Time, Luigi is told he has a weak soul and must go on an adventure to find the Aura Block. Later, the Star Gate won't let him hit the block, saying he's unworthy. Luigi begins to cry, and Mario has to defend him. Later, the Gate tells him it was all a test, and Luigi passed. What a dick.

So, thanks for reading. Feel free to defend your favorite Mario Bro in the comments below. Don't forget to follow me!

Games for the Future

Well, it's official. We have broken over 100 pageviews, and we have 1 follower. Thanks for checking my blog out, and I hope you guys will subscribe.

Now, there are a ton of games I want to come out. Seriously, a TON! But these games are probably not going to come out anytime soon. So... I'll put them up anyway.

1.) Ricochet 2- This game was KIND of hinted at by Valve when they were teasing about Half Life 3. Although some people think it was just a codename for the third installment of the Half Life series, I like to think they will release it anyway. Ricochet, for those of you who don't know, was a mod for the original Half Life. It was a multiplayer game similar to Tron, where you shot disks at enemies and tried not to die. It is, to this day, one of my favorite FPS games ever.

2.) Elder Scrolls Chapter 1: Arena Revamped- So, yesterday I said I love retro games, and I still stand by that. However, the control scheme of Arena is the MOST complicated thing ever. You click and drag to walk, and you do the same for combat. There is no way to bind any controls to the keyboard. This game would be amazing if Bethesda got on it soon.

3.) Half Life 3- Obviously.
4.)Portal 3- We already went over this.
5.)Half Life: Opposing Force 2- Half Life: Opposing Force is an offshoot game of Half Life 1. There have been fan made mods for this, but if an official game were to be released, that would be amazing. Then again, lets not hope for too much. (See Half Life 3).

6.)Mario Kart 8- So the 3DS version of Mario Kart is out. Now all we need it the Wii U version. This game is almost definitely in development already, but I still say hurry up!
7.) Elder Scrolls VI- This game won't be out for a while because of Elder Scrolls Online, but I still have high hopes for it!

So, those are the games I want. Comment below about the games you want to see. Don't forget to follow my blog!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Retro Gaming

I'll be the first to admit that graphics are awesome. The serine beauty of Skyrim and the hardcore battle scenes in Gears of War are just amazing. That being said, I like older games more.
It's kind of a weird love, but I've broken down why I think this may be true.

1.) Innovative- These games were ALL making history when they came out. Each game would break more new ground than the next. Games like Call of Duty were cool the first 2 releases, but after a good 20 games were released, they became kind of repetitive.

2.) Cheap- Okay, I'll admit the fact that I hate spending money. So when I see a game I may enjoy, and the game only costs about $5, of course I'm going to jump at it. That being said, I also tend to enjoy playing those games after I buy them.

3.) Sequels- I'm a firm believer in playing prequels before sequels. There are a few exceptions, of course, (NEVER PLAY SUPER MARIO KART!) but at least try the original versions.
4.) Weird Fetish- Not LITERALLY. I have no sexual interest in polygons or anything, but I love the textures of old 3-D games. Especially on Half Life, but any old 64 bit+ textures just felt comfortable to me.
So, that (among other things) is why I love older games. Leave a comment about what games you love. Don't forget to follow this blog. Also (hopefully) by the time you read this I'll have my gaming channel set up on the YouTubes. RetroGamerNerdworld is what it's called. However, as I'm posting this I currently only have the NAME done. Feel free to check it out though.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

XBox One

So, It's time I address the elephant in the room. Yes, I speak of the one and only XBox One. First and foremost, why that name? I mean, if I were about to release a 'revolutionary' game system, I'd at least want a clever name for it. Of course, 720 was never going to happen. Maybe something like the XBox Evolve or the XBox Entertainment Center. Which brings me to another topic.
WHY ARE THEY MAKING IT AN ALL AROUND ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM? I mean, it's hardly able to be called a gaming console anymore. The whole thing is essentially a computer without a keyboard. I mean sure, the graphics are definitely above those of the XBox 360, but that's to be expected. The 360 has been out for about 7-8 years. Of course the graphics will be better. Imagine what they could do with all the stuff in that console if they still had it focused on gaming. Hell, you could have the first Virtual Reality chamber for all you know. The point is, the XBox One is doing too much. If I wanted a PC, I'd get a PC.
Now, the Kinect has irritated me from the moment it was released. It was like when the Wii came out. I don't want to be jumping around like an idiot to play me some video games. However, the XBox One took it to a whole new level of creepy. If you walk into a room, the XBox Kinect will notice you, turn on, and sign you into your account. Whoa.

This is where the computers start killing us off, people! It starts with facial recognition, then it goes to artificial intelligence, then it goes to both of those on a robot, the it goes to both of those on a robot with guns. You see the problem.
Okay, so I might be overreacting just a little bit, but you get my point.

Anyway, XBox One is trying to be the opposite of what the Wii U wants, a family console. Both consoles are seeing that the other is getting money for games they don't really do. XBox (and Playstation, I guess) has always been renowned for being a hardcore gaming console. More, 'RATED M FOR MATURE' stuff. And Nintendo has always been a 'kid friendly/ recreational' system. And I think if either was to get their way, it would be the Wii U. It has rarely done a successful FPS/action game that wasn't already related to one of their older games, like Metroid. However, there are a lot of people who already play the Wii U, and don't want to buy another console for gaming. Nintendo even released controllers that look quite similar to the XBox 360 remote. They have definitely pushed themselves into the lead on that one.
Finally, and this is one of my biggest beefs with the XBox One, you can no longer by used games. Actually, I shouldn't say that. You can buy used games TWICE. First, of course, you have to buy the game. No surprises there. But THEN, you have to buy a activation code to play the game. AN ACTIVATION CODE! Look, if I'm going to buy a used game, it's because I want to SAVE money. Not because I want to pay for it twice. Think about it, on the XBox One, you will have to buy the console (I'm guessing around $500), buy XBox Live ($60 a year, why should THAT change), buy a game (another $60), and buy all your online gaming accessories (like a mike and a keypad, together at least $40). So wouldn't you like to save the $20 on a game? Is that too much to ask? Actually, I will bet you anything you'll end up paying a $20 activation fee. Give or take, they might leave you a penny.

I hope you enjoyed my rant. Long story short, I will not buy this console. Leave a comment below telling me what you think about all this. Don't forget to follow my blog!


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Portal 3

Valve has created almost ALL of my favorite games. Half Life, Left 4 Dead, Counter Strike, all of these games have held me at my computer for hours on end. But no game has captivated my attention more than, you guessed it, the Portal series. In fact, when I heard that Portal 2 was coming out, pants were crapped and joy was jumped for. Unfortunately, after finishing the game, I realized that a sequel to Portal 2 would be VERY difficult to create. So I theorized as to how Valve could pull it off without failing horribly. Here's what I've come up with: (spoilers)

1.)Wheatley Returns: Wheatley is the main antagonist in Portal 2. He started out as a friend in the beginning and even aided in your escape. But, when he is put in charge of Aperture Science, he turns against you and puts you back in the test chamber. Luckily, you manage to regain control of Aperture by sucking him through a portal placed on the moon.
I think Wheatley coming back would be a really cheesy way of continuing the series. The chances of him falling back on Earth (intact) anywhere near Aperture Science is nearly impossible. The only reason that could work is if you look at where the moon and Earth was when the incident happened. Assuming there was no debris to knock him off course, he was facing Aperture when he was shot from the moon. The chances of him making it to Aperture again are still nearly impossible, but I'm not Valve. If they want to make him come back, all the power to them.

2.)Robots: We've already met Atlas and P-body, the lovable testing robots in Aperture Science's cooperative testing initiative. The next Portal story could be based around, or at least take place using, one of the robots.

3.)They're Waiting For You, Gordan. In The Test Chamber: We already know from a thousand 'subtle' hints in Half-Life, as well as Portal, that the Half-Life Universe and the Portal Universe are one and the same. But, interestingly enough, Aperture Science remains unaffected by the invasion of the Combine. What if someone happened upon the unsuspecting Laboratory and decided to destroy/take it over. You, as Chell or one of the robots, must fight to take back Aperture for GLaDOS. Maybe that could even be in Half-Life 4, but I am getting WAY ahead of myself. Wait until Valve finally decides to release HL3 first. THEN we'll talk of another sequel.

4.) It Was All A Dream: Just kidding! That would be stupid.

5.)Portal Retro: This is more of a prequel than a sequel. In Portal 2 we are introduced to a whole new face of Aperture Science no one had seen in Portal 1. Cave Johnson and Aperture Science Innovators. Wouldn't it be great if Valve released a game where you played as one of those astronauts, olympians, and war heros? You  could collect a bit more information revealing secrets about Chell, and maybe add a potential plotline for Portal 3.

6.)Are You My Mummy?: In the Portal series, you find out Chell is an orphan. Maybe Chell comes back to try and find out just who her parents are. There are thousands of theories out there, but no one knows for sure.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Leave a comment about what you think Valve should do for Portal 3. Don't forget to subscribe!


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Company Logos From Yesteryear

Bless me gamers, for I have sinned. It has been a week (maybe more?) since my last post. So sorry guys, I completely spaced it.

Anyway, I'm here to talk about my favorite logos from old game companies. Or, at least game companies that WERE old at one point. We'll do a quick list of my top 5.
5.) N64: The Nintendo 64's logo was just Nintendo's subtle way of saying " We got 3-D! What now BITCH!" In any case, I always thought it was amazing. Especially in the game Conker's Bad Fur Day, when it was chainsawed in half. Now if only they would have done that to the 360 version of the game, to the XBox logo. I would have had slightly better appreciation for it.

4.)Old Sega Intro- Okay, technically the logo for Sega hasn't really changed. But the intro for the old Genesis games where the chipper voice called out to the player warmed my heart. Now it's just this guy who thinks he's a bad-ass shouting "SEGA." at you. It saddens me. If you understand what I just said, all power to you. If not, play a old Sega Genesis game and then play some boring new Sega game for the XBox 360 and see the difference.

3.)XBox Classic: Wow, whipping out the really old ones. Well, at least it SEEMS that way, now with the announcement of Xbox One. I think the Classic had the better logo for a number of reasons. The screen behind it was black, like most consoles released in that era. (Gamecube and PS2) The word edges in the font seemed sharper and gave the gamer the feeling of playing a pretty bad-ass game system. Now everything is going all smooth, white, and boring. Xbox, Mac, Wii. In fact, Playstation is the only console to still have a black color scheme in their system. So, way to go, Playstation! Way to stick it to the man! (I'm so disappointed in Xbox. I mean, they kept the old logo! Come on, that thing is almost 8 years old now. Give us something NEW! But, this complaint can wait. There will be plenty of time to rage about the Xbox One in future posts.)
2.) Gameboy Classic: This is one logo I truly loved. Even when the system went to color, the logo was still amazing. When the advanced came out, I was so upset. They went and changed the start-up and logo to fit the new audio and video graphics. Why, Nintendo? Why?
1.) Classic Valve Logo: This logo is very near and dear to my heart. I remember powering up Half Life 1 and seeing this logo for the first time. I was younger, so of course I thought "gross, there is a valve in that man's eye socket". Then I got into Valve a little deeper, and realized that the logo was actually really cool. I'd play HL and wave to the half blind man. But one dark, stormy day, I went to visit the Valve Logo. He had moved to a new home in Half Life 2, but I knew when I got there, I'd recognize him. Then, this weird black man appeared on my screen. There was a valve in the back of his head. I looked in slow horror as I realized what had happened. Source got him. I went to my room and burst into loud sobs, screaming "Damn you Source Engine! You will rue the day!" But I calmed down. It was me obviously overreacting over nothing. So I continued to play my Valve games, hoping nothing bad would happen. So when Portal 2 came out, you could imagine my glee. Portal has a SEQUAL? How can this be? So I bought the game and powered it up. At first, all was well. But the, the strange black man I had learned to tolerate... looked at me. The Valve logo now moved. I shook in my seat with a blind rage. The fury pulsing through my body was more than most people could take. My eyes glowed red and I charged out into the world, gun in hand and I- I.... *clears throat*. Anyway, the original Valve logo. By far my favorite.
So again guys, thanks for waiting for my post. Feels free to subscribe to my blog and leave a comment down below. What logos did YOU enjoy? Thanks for reading!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

PC VS Console: GO!

Sorry about the delay, guys. Been a bit distracted and forgot to update this blog. Anyway, I've been comparing Computers and Consoles. Here is what I've come up with.

PC-The mouse helps you to turn more quickly, and is more precise than a joystick.

Console- Joysticks allow you to control character speed easier than WASD does.

PC- Games are easier to modify.

Console- Games run easier because the console was designed for gaming in the first place. Sure, some PC's are meant for gaming, but if you want a normal computer, it will run very few games. Or it will run them REALLY slowly.

PC-Upgradable to suit your gaming needs.

Console- You can get different versions of a console depending on how much money you want to spend.

PC- Network gaming in general is usually free.

Console- You can buy games without a pesky download time.

PC- You can add controllers to most PC games.

Console- Reverse compatibility in most game systems.

Over all, I prefer the console, but listening to the news about the new XBox, as well as the PS4, I think I will stick to my PC. Or buy a new one. Either way, the new systems look like they'll be bad. Write below what you think is better.


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Best Game Systems of All Time

I couldn't figure out which game system was the best ever, so I decided to go by franchise (Console and Handheld) This is what I came up with.

Microsoft: X-Box Classic- This was a close one between the 360 and the Classic, but I have to say, Classic had more to offer. It came with a Hard Drive to begin with, unlike the original release of the 360. The graphics in these games were slightly below par, which is to be expected, but the game play remains quite similar to the 360, which made the 360 seem a little redundant. Also, and this was the breaking point for me, the Classic games had more 'local game play friendly' games. For example, I have never had Xbox Live for the Classic, and the games were still enjoyable, but with the 360 it was almost like they punished you for not buying the $60 for a year of Live. Maybe they'll fix it in the next version, but I doubt it.

Sony: PS3- The Playstation systems were never my favorite. The controller irritated me (I hate the 2 joysticks together) and they seemed like more of a problem than they were worth. However, that being said, there were a lot of things about the PS3 that were good. For example, the internet was FREE! Unlike its Microsoft counterpart, (Xbox 360) the PS3 had free access to online gaming. That is a huge bonus. Also, it was the first console to support Steam games. I have a shit-ton of games on Steam, so that was an amazing addition. Finally, it has the largest reverse compatible range of any console games. So, if you feel like playing a bit of Kingdom Hearts or Twisted Metal 1, you could without having to buy another system or download it from a marketplace. Well done, Playstation! There may be hope for you yet!

Nintendo: Nintendo 64- This game system literally just makes my heart leap every time I hear it's name. I grew up with this in my life, and I know the maps in Mario Kart 64 like the back of my hand. It was one of the first systems to implement a solid 3-D game play (even if there was a ton of polygons!) The games were fun and memorable, like Star Fox 64, GoldenEye, and the first 3 Mario Parties! Also the controller had a joystick, revolutionizing game play forever.

Nintendo (Handheld): Gameboy Advanced SP- This is the last system of the Gameboy model. The GBA SP featured a backlit screen, a collapsible system, and a sleeker appearance. The SP also featured reverse compatibility through the entire Gameboy franchise. That's right! Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advanced all in one system. If they would have kept that with the DS, then it might have won, but alas it was not meant to be.

Sega: Dreamcast- I'm afraid I'm not as familiar with Sega's consoles as I'd like to be, but from the little I know, I know the Dreamcast was a genius gaming device. This console failed due to it being so far ahead of it's time, which is unfortunate. The Dreamcast used the internet, had 3-D graphics as well as a joystick, and had incredibly fun games to play. I would have loved to be there at release, because no game system seemed to compare.

Atari:...- I have to say, I never really got into Atari. The graphics seemed way to crappy, even by my standards. I have played tons of games by Atari, and none of them really stood out. I'm sure if I had one as a kid, I would have found it amazing, but I never really felt it like I did other consoles.

So that's about it as far as systems go. Leave a comment about your favorite systems, and follow this blog. I could really use the support. Thanks!


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Half Exhausted Brain Ideas....

May the Forth Be With You everyone. So, currently I am exhausted and using my brain, which is never a good thing, but I came up with a thought. If there were 2 conscious entities in your brain, both with the same thoughts and opinions, both completely indistinguishable from the other, and those entities were posed with a problem, do you think the entities would come up with the same solution? Or would they each think of something different? Comment your thoughts down below.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Video Game Power-Ups FTW

Video games have the coolest power-ups. I mean seriously, who doesn't want a hammer that can destroy an enemy in one swipe? Or a chainsaw that slices your enemy in half. This is my list of favorite power-ups. Not in order, because organization is for wusses.
1.) Fire Flower- Now, I know what you're thinking, "NerdWorld, that is the most common power-up referred to, why would you pick something so cliched?" Well, I didn't. I refer of course to the Fire Flower in the Gameboy game 'Super Mario Land 1'. The physics of that power-up are severely overpowered. The fireball bounces around like a superball and doesn't stop until it either hits an enemy, leaves the screen, or vanishes after a period of time. It also collects hard to reach coins. Awesome!

2.)The Smash Ball- This power-up is situationally good. The large array of characters SSB Brawl gives you is impressive, and you'll probably find a fighter with a great final smash. But if you are one of those idiots who picked Jigglypuff willingly, you deserved the crappy final smash you received. But any power-up that potentially allows you to clear the screen is definitely worth noting.

3.)Hammer- Nintendo again. The hammer in Donkey Kong (original) is extremely powerful. It can break a barrel in one blow. Really, that's all you need, because Donkey Kong can't think of a better plan then to throw barrels. Because, when you are an enormous gorilla, and are 1,000x stronger than some tiny plumber, you couldn't possibly charge at him and smash his face. Barrel all the way.

That's all for now. I may continue this later. Comment below about your favorite power-ups.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Feed Me!

Food. It is essential for a full day of gaming. In fact, without it, your day of shooting people, jumping on heads, and destroying blocks would be mediocre at best. This is my opinion of the best gamer snacks out there.

1.) Soda: This is important. However, the flavor soda would have to depend on what else is being eaten. Mountain Dew is a good soda to default to, but personally, when eating Doritos, I go for a Pepsi.

2.) Chips: There are a variety of chips that could go well with a gamer marathon. As previously stated, I am partial to a good bag of Doritos, but they can get old after a while. A nice bag of Sour Cream and Onion potato chips can set the mood very well when bashing a headcrab with a crowbar.

3.) Cooked Foods: This is optional. When gaming, not a lot of time is left for cooking, so you'll have to choose something fast and easy. Probably packaged foods. Soft pretzels or maybe some Jalapeno poppers can really hit the spot.

4.) Healthy Foods: No. Just No.

5.)Desserts: With the diet you've just been on, you think you could maybe make room for something unhealthy. Hostess (sorry, Little Debbie. Hostess has left us and with it taken our lives.) chocolate cupcakes or yellow sponge cream cakes can be great options for a lovely meal closer.

So, that's my gamer diet. Leave a comment about what you eat when gaming. Who knows, maybe other people have opinions about food as well. Have a good one!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

First of May!

Happy First of May, all you crazy nerds out there. If you are confused as to why today is worth celebrating, click this link. You'll love it!-
Remixed version here!-


Compare and Share: Scott Pilgrim Movie and Graphic Novels (spoilers)

Any self respecting nerd should have seen and read the Scott Pilgrim series. I myself saw the movie first, and then read the books. This is my evaluation, good to bad.

Intro- The comic books sort of jumped into the story, which is good, but the movie had a nice gripping intro. Plus the 8-Bit Universal theme was pretty kick-ass.

Information- The books were very detailed and well written. I was captivated the whole time I read them. However, the movie was a bit of a buzz-kill. The parts that were like the book were very much like the book, which I appreciated. However, in scenes like fighting the twins and fighting Lucas Lee, the whole part was really off.

Characters-The characters in the movie seemed to be developed really badly. They seemed to be emotionless and boring. In the comic, Ramona displayed much more emotion than in the movie. They each had a pretty in depth story, like Kim's relationship with Scott, Scott's life in general, and a whole other pile of shit that they just sort of passed over.

References- The comic book was great. I loved the crap out of it, and I've read each of the volumes at least twice. However, in comparison to the movie, there were very few nerd references. For example, the N64 shirt that Neil wore was not in the books. Sure, there was the whole 'enemies died; collect coins' thing, but the movie did that way better.

Ending- The ending of Scott Pilgrim vs the World (movie) when I first saw it I loved. Then I read the comic books, and how it REALLY ended, and it was 1000x better that the movie. There was subspace travel, giant Gideon, reconciliation with Nega-Scott, all sorts of epic things. And Scott saved Ramona. Tear-spilling ending to say the least.

In conclusion, Scott Pilgrim was a much better comic than a movie. The movie had some great features, but the book overshadowed it totally. Leave a comment telling me what you think.


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How To Maintain Retro Cartridge Games (NES to GBA)

This should be common sense to you hardcore gamers out there. But if you are new to the collector's field, welcome, and let me train you in the ways of the gamer.
First things first, find a dry, airtight container. Or, at the very least, a way to cover the openings at the bottom of the cartridges. Store them away from any children because they have grabby hands and retro cartridge games aren't made anymore.
Second, make sure the system used has a similar storage spot. The console itself usually comes with a cover, but if its something like a Gameboy or even a Nintendo 64, you may have to be careful.
Be sure to check for dust around the area around the console or even the games. If (heaven forbid) you get dust in the system, don't panic. You can tell because (in classic systems) the screen will probably show you a variety of colors besides the ones you want to see on the screen, or (in Gameboys/DS) the word 'Nintendo' will either not be there or be grayed out. If this happens, remove the game, face the open end of the cartridge towards your mouth, and blow crisply and cleanly. If you ask many people, they will frown upon this method, because they say it will wreck the game. But if you are careful, and make sure you don't spit, the game will be safe and will still work. Make sure you aren't eating food or chewing gum while blowing, for that will make you salivate and you will probably ruin the game. I hope you gained a little inspiration from all this.

Holy Crap! The Internet!

Hey everyone. Welcome to the debut post of Care and Feeding. The blog before you will have all your gaming needs and desires. Plus a fuckton of game comments and suggestions. Posted at random, of course! So please, follow the crap out of me.