Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Portal 3

Valve has created almost ALL of my favorite games. Half Life, Left 4 Dead, Counter Strike, all of these games have held me at my computer for hours on end. But no game has captivated my attention more than, you guessed it, the Portal series. In fact, when I heard that Portal 2 was coming out, pants were crapped and joy was jumped for. Unfortunately, after finishing the game, I realized that a sequel to Portal 2 would be VERY difficult to create. So I theorized as to how Valve could pull it off without failing horribly. Here's what I've come up with: (spoilers)

1.)Wheatley Returns: Wheatley is the main antagonist in Portal 2. He started out as a friend in the beginning and even aided in your escape. But, when he is put in charge of Aperture Science, he turns against you and puts you back in the test chamber. Luckily, you manage to regain control of Aperture by sucking him through a portal placed on the moon.
I think Wheatley coming back would be a really cheesy way of continuing the series. The chances of him falling back on Earth (intact) anywhere near Aperture Science is nearly impossible. The only reason that could work is if you look at where the moon and Earth was when the incident happened. Assuming there was no debris to knock him off course, he was facing Aperture when he was shot from the moon. The chances of him making it to Aperture again are still nearly impossible, but I'm not Valve. If they want to make him come back, all the power to them.

2.)Robots: We've already met Atlas and P-body, the lovable testing robots in Aperture Science's cooperative testing initiative. The next Portal story could be based around, or at least take place using, one of the robots.

3.)They're Waiting For You, Gordan. In The Test Chamber: We already know from a thousand 'subtle' hints in Half-Life, as well as Portal, that the Half-Life Universe and the Portal Universe are one and the same. But, interestingly enough, Aperture Science remains unaffected by the invasion of the Combine. What if someone happened upon the unsuspecting Laboratory and decided to destroy/take it over. You, as Chell or one of the robots, must fight to take back Aperture for GLaDOS. Maybe that could even be in Half-Life 4, but I am getting WAY ahead of myself. Wait until Valve finally decides to release HL3 first. THEN we'll talk of another sequel.

4.) It Was All A Dream: Just kidding! That would be stupid.

5.)Portal Retro: This is more of a prequel than a sequel. In Portal 2 we are introduced to a whole new face of Aperture Science no one had seen in Portal 1. Cave Johnson and Aperture Science Innovators. Wouldn't it be great if Valve released a game where you played as one of those astronauts, olympians, and war heros? You  could collect a bit more information revealing secrets about Chell, and maybe add a potential plotline for Portal 3.

6.)Are You My Mummy?: In the Portal series, you find out Chell is an orphan. Maybe Chell comes back to try and find out just who her parents are. There are thousands of theories out there, but no one knows for sure.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Leave a comment about what you think Valve should do for Portal 3. Don't forget to subscribe!


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