Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Compare and Share: Scott Pilgrim Movie and Graphic Novels (spoilers)

Any self respecting nerd should have seen and read the Scott Pilgrim series. I myself saw the movie first, and then read the books. This is my evaluation, good to bad.

Intro- The comic books sort of jumped into the story, which is good, but the movie had a nice gripping intro. Plus the 8-Bit Universal theme was pretty kick-ass.

Information- The books were very detailed and well written. I was captivated the whole time I read them. However, the movie was a bit of a buzz-kill. The parts that were like the book were very much like the book, which I appreciated. However, in scenes like fighting the twins and fighting Lucas Lee, the whole part was really off.

Characters-The characters in the movie seemed to be developed really badly. They seemed to be emotionless and boring. In the comic, Ramona displayed much more emotion than in the movie. They each had a pretty in depth story, like Kim's relationship with Scott, Scott's life in general, and a whole other pile of shit that they just sort of passed over.

References- The comic book was great. I loved the crap out of it, and I've read each of the volumes at least twice. However, in comparison to the movie, there were very few nerd references. For example, the N64 shirt that Neil wore was not in the books. Sure, there was the whole 'enemies died; collect coins' thing, but the movie did that way better.

Ending- The ending of Scott Pilgrim vs the World (movie) when I first saw it I loved. Then I read the comic books, and how it REALLY ended, and it was 1000x better that the movie. There was subspace travel, giant Gideon, reconciliation with Nega-Scott, all sorts of epic things. And Scott saved Ramona. Tear-spilling ending to say the least.

In conclusion, Scott Pilgrim was a much better comic than a movie. The movie had some great features, but the book overshadowed it totally. Leave a comment telling me what you think.


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