Thursday, May 2, 2013

Feed Me!

Food. It is essential for a full day of gaming. In fact, without it, your day of shooting people, jumping on heads, and destroying blocks would be mediocre at best. This is my opinion of the best gamer snacks out there.

1.) Soda: This is important. However, the flavor soda would have to depend on what else is being eaten. Mountain Dew is a good soda to default to, but personally, when eating Doritos, I go for a Pepsi.

2.) Chips: There are a variety of chips that could go well with a gamer marathon. As previously stated, I am partial to a good bag of Doritos, but they can get old after a while. A nice bag of Sour Cream and Onion potato chips can set the mood very well when bashing a headcrab with a crowbar.

3.) Cooked Foods: This is optional. When gaming, not a lot of time is left for cooking, so you'll have to choose something fast and easy. Probably packaged foods. Soft pretzels or maybe some Jalapeno poppers can really hit the spot.

4.) Healthy Foods: No. Just No.

5.)Desserts: With the diet you've just been on, you think you could maybe make room for something unhealthy. Hostess (sorry, Little Debbie. Hostess has left us and with it taken our lives.) chocolate cupcakes or yellow sponge cream cakes can be great options for a lovely meal closer.

So, that's my gamer diet. Leave a comment about what you eat when gaming. Who knows, maybe other people have opinions about food as well. Have a good one!

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