Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Retro Gaming

I'll be the first to admit that graphics are awesome. The serine beauty of Skyrim and the hardcore battle scenes in Gears of War are just amazing. That being said, I like older games more.
It's kind of a weird love, but I've broken down why I think this may be true.

1.) Innovative- These games were ALL making history when they came out. Each game would break more new ground than the next. Games like Call of Duty were cool the first 2 releases, but after a good 20 games were released, they became kind of repetitive.

2.) Cheap- Okay, I'll admit the fact that I hate spending money. So when I see a game I may enjoy, and the game only costs about $5, of course I'm going to jump at it. That being said, I also tend to enjoy playing those games after I buy them.

3.) Sequels- I'm a firm believer in playing prequels before sequels. There are a few exceptions, of course, (NEVER PLAY SUPER MARIO KART!) but at least try the original versions.
4.) Weird Fetish- Not LITERALLY. I have no sexual interest in polygons or anything, but I love the textures of old 3-D games. Especially on Half Life, but any old 64 bit+ textures just felt comfortable to me.
So, that (among other things) is why I love older games. Leave a comment about what games you love. Don't forget to follow this blog. Also (hopefully) by the time you read this I'll have my gaming channel set up on the YouTubes. RetroGamerNerdworld is what it's called. However, as I'm posting this I currently only have the NAME done. Feel free to check it out though.

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