Friday, May 3, 2013

Video Game Power-Ups FTW

Video games have the coolest power-ups. I mean seriously, who doesn't want a hammer that can destroy an enemy in one swipe? Or a chainsaw that slices your enemy in half. This is my list of favorite power-ups. Not in order, because organization is for wusses.
1.) Fire Flower- Now, I know what you're thinking, "NerdWorld, that is the most common power-up referred to, why would you pick something so cliched?" Well, I didn't. I refer of course to the Fire Flower in the Gameboy game 'Super Mario Land 1'. The physics of that power-up are severely overpowered. The fireball bounces around like a superball and doesn't stop until it either hits an enemy, leaves the screen, or vanishes after a period of time. It also collects hard to reach coins. Awesome!

2.)The Smash Ball- This power-up is situationally good. The large array of characters SSB Brawl gives you is impressive, and you'll probably find a fighter with a great final smash. But if you are one of those idiots who picked Jigglypuff willingly, you deserved the crappy final smash you received. But any power-up that potentially allows you to clear the screen is definitely worth noting.

3.)Hammer- Nintendo again. The hammer in Donkey Kong (original) is extremely powerful. It can break a barrel in one blow. Really, that's all you need, because Donkey Kong can't think of a better plan then to throw barrels. Because, when you are an enormous gorilla, and are 1,000x stronger than some tiny plumber, you couldn't possibly charge at him and smash his face. Barrel all the way.

That's all for now. I may continue this later. Comment below about your favorite power-ups.


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