Thursday, May 30, 2013

Who is the Greatest Mario Bro of Them All?

I always knew I loved Luigi. Since I was a wee gamer, I knew in my heart that Luigi was the coolest. Of course, then he was known to me as Green Mario and Mario was Red Mario, but I was little, so shut up. Unfortunately, I never really had evidence to back it up, but now, with a little bit of research, I bring to you the Amazing Luigi!
(Starting with he has a meme and Mario doesn't.)

1.) He's A Wuss- Not exactly winning Luigi points, am I? Just think about it: Mario goes around rescuing Princesses and fighting bosses, and he's as brave as anyone. In Mario's mind, he's invincible. However, look at Luigi. He hates fighting Bowser, he really hates going on adventures, and he STILL does it anyway. Sometimes he's forced to, (Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon) but he still gets the job done. In fact, Mario's been kidnapped more times in the franchise than Luigi has! (LM, LMDM, Mario is Missing, Super Princess Peach, ect.) The point is Luigi is WAY more scared than Mario, and he does the job BETTER than Mario. Interesting....
2.) Gets The Short End Of The Stick- Luigi always helps save Princess Peach. However, Mario is the one to get all the credit. Luigi probably doesn't even get a cut of the coins when it's all over! What's with that? Sure, Mario is the more well known of the franchise, but look at him! His 'stache is poorly kept, he makes the most obnoxious noises, he's a drug addict, (don't tell me those mushrooms aren't psychedelic) and he ALWAYS lets Peach get kidnapped. Prevention is key, people! After 30 or so kidnappings, you'd think Mario would have wised up. There are some adventures where Luigi HAS to help Mario. The Mario and Luigi series would be pointless if Luigi stayed home!
3.)Kind- Say what you will about Luigi, but he really cares about others. In Mario Galaxy 2, he volunteers to take on the challenges ahead instead of you. And he does a bang up job of it as well. When Mario caught Bean Fever in M+L Superstar Saga, he allowed himself to be hypnotized into thinking he WAS Mario until he found the cure.
4.) Takes SO MUCH SHIT!- Luigi always gets made fun of. In M+L Partners in Time, Luigi is told he has a weak soul and must go on an adventure to find the Aura Block. Later, the Star Gate won't let him hit the block, saying he's unworthy. Luigi begins to cry, and Mario has to defend him. Later, the Gate tells him it was all a test, and Luigi passed. What a dick.

So, thanks for reading. Feel free to defend your favorite Mario Bro in the comments below. Don't forget to follow me!

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