Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Company Logos From Yesteryear

Bless me gamers, for I have sinned. It has been a week (maybe more?) since my last post. So sorry guys, I completely spaced it.

Anyway, I'm here to talk about my favorite logos from old game companies. Or, at least game companies that WERE old at one point. We'll do a quick list of my top 5.
5.) N64: The Nintendo 64's logo was just Nintendo's subtle way of saying " We got 3-D! What now BITCH!" In any case, I always thought it was amazing. Especially in the game Conker's Bad Fur Day, when it was chainsawed in half. Now if only they would have done that to the 360 version of the game, to the XBox logo. I would have had slightly better appreciation for it.

4.)Old Sega Intro- Okay, technically the logo for Sega hasn't really changed. But the intro for the old Genesis games where the chipper voice called out to the player warmed my heart. Now it's just this guy who thinks he's a bad-ass shouting "SEGA." at you. It saddens me. If you understand what I just said, all power to you. If not, play a old Sega Genesis game and then play some boring new Sega game for the XBox 360 and see the difference.

3.)XBox Classic: Wow, whipping out the really old ones. Well, at least it SEEMS that way, now with the announcement of Xbox One. I think the Classic had the better logo for a number of reasons. The screen behind it was black, like most consoles released in that era. (Gamecube and PS2) The word edges in the font seemed sharper and gave the gamer the feeling of playing a pretty bad-ass game system. Now everything is going all smooth, white, and boring. Xbox, Mac, Wii. In fact, Playstation is the only console to still have a black color scheme in their system. So, way to go, Playstation! Way to stick it to the man! (I'm so disappointed in Xbox. I mean, they kept the old logo! Come on, that thing is almost 8 years old now. Give us something NEW! But, this complaint can wait. There will be plenty of time to rage about the Xbox One in future posts.)
2.) Gameboy Classic: This is one logo I truly loved. Even when the system went to color, the logo was still amazing. When the advanced came out, I was so upset. They went and changed the start-up and logo to fit the new audio and video graphics. Why, Nintendo? Why?
1.) Classic Valve Logo: This logo is very near and dear to my heart. I remember powering up Half Life 1 and seeing this logo for the first time. I was younger, so of course I thought "gross, there is a valve in that man's eye socket". Then I got into Valve a little deeper, and realized that the logo was actually really cool. I'd play HL and wave to the half blind man. But one dark, stormy day, I went to visit the Valve Logo. He had moved to a new home in Half Life 2, but I knew when I got there, I'd recognize him. Then, this weird black man appeared on my screen. There was a valve in the back of his head. I looked in slow horror as I realized what had happened. Source got him. I went to my room and burst into loud sobs, screaming "Damn you Source Engine! You will rue the day!" But I calmed down. It was me obviously overreacting over nothing. So I continued to play my Valve games, hoping nothing bad would happen. So when Portal 2 came out, you could imagine my glee. Portal has a SEQUAL? How can this be? So I bought the game and powered it up. At first, all was well. But the, the strange black man I had learned to tolerate... looked at me. The Valve logo now moved. I shook in my seat with a blind rage. The fury pulsing through my body was more than most people could take. My eyes glowed red and I charged out into the world, gun in hand and I- I.... *clears throat*. Anyway, the original Valve logo. By far my favorite.
So again guys, thanks for waiting for my post. Feels free to subscribe to my blog and leave a comment down below. What logos did YOU enjoy? Thanks for reading!

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