Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Best Game Systems of All Time

I couldn't figure out which game system was the best ever, so I decided to go by franchise (Console and Handheld) This is what I came up with.

Microsoft: X-Box Classic- This was a close one between the 360 and the Classic, but I have to say, Classic had more to offer. It came with a Hard Drive to begin with, unlike the original release of the 360. The graphics in these games were slightly below par, which is to be expected, but the game play remains quite similar to the 360, which made the 360 seem a little redundant. Also, and this was the breaking point for me, the Classic games had more 'local game play friendly' games. For example, I have never had Xbox Live for the Classic, and the games were still enjoyable, but with the 360 it was almost like they punished you for not buying the $60 for a year of Live. Maybe they'll fix it in the next version, but I doubt it.

Sony: PS3- The Playstation systems were never my favorite. The controller irritated me (I hate the 2 joysticks together) and they seemed like more of a problem than they were worth. However, that being said, there were a lot of things about the PS3 that were good. For example, the internet was FREE! Unlike its Microsoft counterpart, (Xbox 360) the PS3 had free access to online gaming. That is a huge bonus. Also, it was the first console to support Steam games. I have a shit-ton of games on Steam, so that was an amazing addition. Finally, it has the largest reverse compatible range of any console games. So, if you feel like playing a bit of Kingdom Hearts or Twisted Metal 1, you could without having to buy another system or download it from a marketplace. Well done, Playstation! There may be hope for you yet!

Nintendo: Nintendo 64- This game system literally just makes my heart leap every time I hear it's name. I grew up with this in my life, and I know the maps in Mario Kart 64 like the back of my hand. It was one of the first systems to implement a solid 3-D game play (even if there was a ton of polygons!) The games were fun and memorable, like Star Fox 64, GoldenEye, and the first 3 Mario Parties! Also the controller had a joystick, revolutionizing game play forever.

Nintendo (Handheld): Gameboy Advanced SP- This is the last system of the Gameboy model. The GBA SP featured a backlit screen, a collapsible system, and a sleeker appearance. The SP also featured reverse compatibility through the entire Gameboy franchise. That's right! Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advanced all in one system. If they would have kept that with the DS, then it might have won, but alas it was not meant to be.

Sega: Dreamcast- I'm afraid I'm not as familiar with Sega's consoles as I'd like to be, but from the little I know, I know the Dreamcast was a genius gaming device. This console failed due to it being so far ahead of it's time, which is unfortunate. The Dreamcast used the internet, had 3-D graphics as well as a joystick, and had incredibly fun games to play. I would have loved to be there at release, because no game system seemed to compare.

Atari:...- I have to say, I never really got into Atari. The graphics seemed way to crappy, even by my standards. I have played tons of games by Atari, and none of them really stood out. I'm sure if I had one as a kid, I would have found it amazing, but I never really felt it like I did other consoles.

So that's about it as far as systems go. Leave a comment about your favorite systems, and follow this blog. I could really use the support. Thanks!


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