Saturday, May 25, 2013

XBox One

So, It's time I address the elephant in the room. Yes, I speak of the one and only XBox One. First and foremost, why that name? I mean, if I were about to release a 'revolutionary' game system, I'd at least want a clever name for it. Of course, 720 was never going to happen. Maybe something like the XBox Evolve or the XBox Entertainment Center. Which brings me to another topic.
WHY ARE THEY MAKING IT AN ALL AROUND ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM? I mean, it's hardly able to be called a gaming console anymore. The whole thing is essentially a computer without a keyboard. I mean sure, the graphics are definitely above those of the XBox 360, but that's to be expected. The 360 has been out for about 7-8 years. Of course the graphics will be better. Imagine what they could do with all the stuff in that console if they still had it focused on gaming. Hell, you could have the first Virtual Reality chamber for all you know. The point is, the XBox One is doing too much. If I wanted a PC, I'd get a PC.
Now, the Kinect has irritated me from the moment it was released. It was like when the Wii came out. I don't want to be jumping around like an idiot to play me some video games. However, the XBox One took it to a whole new level of creepy. If you walk into a room, the XBox Kinect will notice you, turn on, and sign you into your account. Whoa.

This is where the computers start killing us off, people! It starts with facial recognition, then it goes to artificial intelligence, then it goes to both of those on a robot, the it goes to both of those on a robot with guns. You see the problem.
Okay, so I might be overreacting just a little bit, but you get my point.

Anyway, XBox One is trying to be the opposite of what the Wii U wants, a family console. Both consoles are seeing that the other is getting money for games they don't really do. XBox (and Playstation, I guess) has always been renowned for being a hardcore gaming console. More, 'RATED M FOR MATURE' stuff. And Nintendo has always been a 'kid friendly/ recreational' system. And I think if either was to get their way, it would be the Wii U. It has rarely done a successful FPS/action game that wasn't already related to one of their older games, like Metroid. However, there are a lot of people who already play the Wii U, and don't want to buy another console for gaming. Nintendo even released controllers that look quite similar to the XBox 360 remote. They have definitely pushed themselves into the lead on that one.
Finally, and this is one of my biggest beefs with the XBox One, you can no longer by used games. Actually, I shouldn't say that. You can buy used games TWICE. First, of course, you have to buy the game. No surprises there. But THEN, you have to buy a activation code to play the game. AN ACTIVATION CODE! Look, if I'm going to buy a used game, it's because I want to SAVE money. Not because I want to pay for it twice. Think about it, on the XBox One, you will have to buy the console (I'm guessing around $500), buy XBox Live ($60 a year, why should THAT change), buy a game (another $60), and buy all your online gaming accessories (like a mike and a keypad, together at least $40). So wouldn't you like to save the $20 on a game? Is that too much to ask? Actually, I will bet you anything you'll end up paying a $20 activation fee. Give or take, they might leave you a penny.

I hope you enjoyed my rant. Long story short, I will not buy this console. Leave a comment below telling me what you think about all this. Don't forget to follow my blog!


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