Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Thinking With Time Machine

Alright. I know I lied. I was supposed to post more that week and I failed you all. I've decided I'm no longer going to address how bad I am at posting on this blog. However, with summer coming up it should be a little better.

So one of the games I played a little bit last month is Thinking w/ Time Machine. If you don't know it, it's a mod for Portal 2 that adds a sort of tablet that appears to control time in a strange way.

I freaking love this game. Now, I haven't played much of this game as much as I wish I had. I'll be the first to admit I am pitifully bad at it. But HOLY CRAP. The time machine tablet uses a similar readout as the Delorean from the Back To The Future movies, which is a slightly predictable but appreciated reference. The whole of Aperture Science appears to have undergone a severe update with glass doors and buttons. The cubes appear to be assembled in the room with you. I think the cube droppers retain a bit of their original program as after they are assembled they are launched into the air. Not a bad thing, just interesting. Now, the time machine works interestingly, and I believe it was the best way possible. You chose a time that you wish to jump back to, and then you perform an action (such as putting a cube on a button, or shooting a portal.) You then jump back to the previously selected time, and watch yourself perform the act. You then can use the version of Chell you are controlling to perform a separate action. It's very creative, if a bit unintuitive.

There are, however, a few issues I have with this game. For example, the completely unexplained futuristic appearance of Aperture Science. The game appears to take place directly after Portal 2, so why the big change? I guess it could be because you appear to be in a more experimental wing of Aperture anyway, they also were experimenting with new room tech. Another thing was that you can see Chell's body. I really hate it when people do that, because it seems so unfinished. I'm pretty sure that's why Valve never does it. The body never seems to follow the movement well. The game also appears to be a huge challenge. It reminds me of Portal Prelude if you are familiar with it. It was a mod for Portal 1 and it was HARD! I think it was Swedish or something. But whatever. It's definitely a challenge if you're into that.

I can't really say much more about it because I've not played that far in, but it holds a lot of promise. I look forward to completing it over the summer. However, I've got a lot on my plate as far as games are concerned, so we'll see. Anyway, till next time!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Why Do I Suck At Posting?

Okay guys, I'm sorry I don't post on an actual F***ing schedule like a normal person. Right now life is sort of getting in the way of my ambitions. So anyway, I've got a few things to talk about that I'll probably spread out through the rest of this week. That way it'll seem like I'm being consistent. Anyway, today I'll probably mention Mario Kart 8's characters and my personal opinions on them. Let's go in order.

Mario: Duh

Luigi: Duh

Peach: Duh... okay, maybe I'll skip to one of the more interesting ones.

Rosalina: I love Rosalina. In fact, in Mario Kart Wii through 7, she's the only person I play as. That being said, I'm surprised she's still so strongly in the series. Obviously she struck a chord with fans, keeping her around a bit longer, but we don't really see characters like her from other games. For example, Tatanga, the enemy from Super Mario Land 1, hasn't been seen since Super Mario Land 2. It seems to me that after a series is done with, like how I assume Galaxy is (Although I've been hearing rumors about a third installment) the characters from that series sort of fade away. I may be wrong, but that's how I see it.

Babies Marioand Luigi: As much as the two of them were adorable, I'm a little surprised to find that they made it to Mario Kart Wii, nevermind Mario Kart 8. I think its Nintendo's way of making sure there are enough lightweight characters in the game. And I don't really have a problem with them, they just seem like Nintendo ran out of ideas.

Baby Peach: Don't really like her, but I've come to accept her.

Baby Daisy: If you've read any of my other posts, you'll have noticed that I absolutely abhor Daisy. Baby Daisy is a smaller, less intelligent version of her older counterpart.

Baby Rosalina: I can honestly say I'm not surprised that this happened. I'm not happy about it, but I'm not surprised. Mario lore doesn't require Rosalina to be a baby! Why is she a baby? Is she going to be showing up in a Yoshi's Island game or something? Seriously! Why?

Metal Mario: I'm still not thrilled about it, but I've come to accept him. He actually is kind of nice in Mario Kart 7 with his smaller size, so I'm sure he'll be good in 8 as well. Also, HD is really kind to him. If you watch some of the trailers for MK 8, you see him racing on N64 Rainbow Road. The reflection off of him looks really nice.

Koopalings: I like the idea of them in MK 8. Personally, I'm surprised it took so long. The only thing that bugs me is that Bowser Jr. doesn't appear. Does that mean he's gone?

Pink Gold Peach: I love Nintendo. I really do. I have most of their American released systems at home. I have every Mario adventure game, I have every Mario Kart game, I even have a fair few Mario Party games. I know Nintendo's had some bad ideas in the past, and I like to think Nintendo takes the responses to these bad ideas to heart and fixes them, But when I see a character whose name is PINK GOLD PEACH, and doesn't even REMOTELY fit into any sort of Mario lore, I get a little peeved.

I mean, sure. Nintendo does get to do what they want when it comes to games like these, They own the license, they came up with the idea. But SERIOUSLY? Throw in a character fans like. Fawful maybe, or Birdo. Hell, even just Metal Peach would have been okay. But come the f*** on! Pink Gold Peach is like some stupid little kid picked a character by choosing a pre existing character and adding two colors to her. I don't know, maybe its just me.

Mii: Whatever, just so long as they don't make another Wuhu island map.

So, that's about all I got on the subject. If you have anything to say on the subject, please comment below. Makes me feel loved. Don't be afraid to follow my blog either. I'll try to post more frequently, but I make bo promises, Thanks!


Friday, February 28, 2014


Hi! This is NerdWorld here! It's been quite a while since my last update, and it's because I was kidnapped! I mean, that's the only reasonable excuse since my last post was back in FREAKING NOVEMBER!!!!!!! Otherwise I'd have to be some kind of moron. So obviously I have a good excuse.
Now, to what video game things I was allowed to do in my moist dungeon cell. I've recently been getting back into the Gamecube kick. Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, Double Dash, that sort of stuff. In fact, I've recently been trying to collect myself a GameBoy Player. I remember when I first saw them release it back in 2003, I wanted it. Of course, I was still too young to buy my own stuff back then. Now I'm trying to pick up where I missed out. I'm definitely going to increase my collection of GameBoy games. Such as....

Super Mario Land 1 and 2-

My original copy of Super Mario Land 1 went missing a long time ago, and I'm not all that thrilled about it. Also, Super Mario Land 2 is a fairly good game. I prefer the first one (much to many people's surprise) but the second one is definitely worth a playthrough.

Donkey Kong (GameBoy)-
I've played a little of this game, and it's not half bad. If any of you have played the Mario VS Donkey Kong game for the GameBoy Advanced, I'm assuming this is what they based the gameplay for that on. It starts out with the original Donkey Kong arcade levels, then moves on to different worlds like in other Mario games.

Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald-

I've played through Ruby before (even beat it in one night when I was bored) and I like it a lot. I think Emerald had some better gameplay though. It had different challenge domes than Ruby/Sapphire did. Also Rayquaza is flying, and I've always been a sucker for a flying type pokemon.

These are just a few games I'd like to get my hands on. However, once I get a GameBoy Player, I am DEFINITELY playing through Mario And Luigi: Superstar Saga again. Anyway, hopefully I actually update this freaking blog more often. I actually enjoy my tiny rants about video games. Anyway, comment and such about what you guys have been up to gamewise.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Portal 3 (Update)

So, a while ago I posted a few ideas for the game Portal 3, and this time I think I have a much better idea. Originally, back in Portal 1, the ending of the game was slightly different than it is now. If you played, say, the Orange Box on the Xbox 360 or PS3, you know how it ends. GLaDOS explodes, the screen fades out, and you find yourself in Aperture Science looking at the cake. The game seems to end. However, back in 2007, Portal received an update changing the ending so an unnamed robot dragged Chell back into Aperture. So, if Valve decided to have the ground crack open and Chell come crashing into the lab, I wouldn't put it past them. Hopefully, their idea for a new ending is better than mine, but at least it's plausible, especially since they've done it before. Leave comments below about what you think Portal 3 would be about, or how Valve could make it transition from Portal 2.

I Live! (In Fear....)

Hi guys! Sorry it's been so long since my last post. I've kind of been busy. I got a new job, and have avidly been trying out new video games. For example, I've recently started a playthrough of a Early Access game on Steam called Sir, You Are Being Hunted. For those of you who don't know about this game, you play as a British man (apparently a key plot point) and are trying to collect around 25 teleport pieces. Unfortunately for you, there are hundreds of steam-punk robots chasing after you carrying shotguns and just being difficult. The game is in early alpha, so it's a little buggy and has a lot of placeholder stuff. But other than that, it's a lot of fun. It was definitely worth the $20 spent. Take a look when you get the chance.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What I've Been Up To: Games

Sorry guys. I've been enjoying my summer just a little too much. I completely spaced the last few days of posting. I figured should tell you all about my gaming so far this summer.

1.) Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga: This is one of my favorite games, and I just recently restarted it. I'll probably do a Favorite Game post about this because it could take me a whole 5 page essay to describe what I enjoy about this game. Those of you who are familiar with this series may not have heard of/ played this game. I assure you it is the best one. I've nearly completed it again, and already I wonder when I can play through it again.

Super Mario Galaxy (1)- I know, another Mario title. I think I'm getting back into the Nintendo kick again. I loved their games since I was little, and I still love them today. The reason I am playing the first Galaxy game is because I never collected all the stars, which unlocks (spoiler alert) Super Luigi Galaxy. I stopped playing the game because I wanted to play the sequel really badly. And  now that I finished the second one, its time for me to finish what I started.

Surgeon Simulator 2013: Completely different from the last 2 games, but still an interesting title. Especially since the Meet the Medic update. In this update, you can play as the Medic from TF2 and perform surgery on the Heavy Weapons Guy. Pretty much follow exactly what the Medic did in the trailer for TF2: Meet the Medic (link here). It's a lot of fun, and I was surprised that Valve even let them do it. Definitely check it out. (Note: the free version online doesn't have the Meet the Medic Update)

So, yeah. That's pretty much the gaming highlights of my summer. I mean, I played a lot of other games, but not to the extent of these three. Leave a comment about what games you've been playing. I will try to post more frequently, so don't forget to follow my blog! Thanks

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Who is the Fairest?

I've been spending some time thinking about the characters in Super Mario, and I asked myself the question: Which Mario princess is the best? I feel like I need to be doing more Top 5s, so why not another one?

5.)Princess Daisy-
There are SO many things I dislike about Princess Daisy. First of all, she got kidnapped like Peach did. (Not as often, but still not good) She is never guarding her kingdom, and is always spending time in Mushroom Kingdom. For all we know, Sarasaland (her kingdom) has been taken over by countless baddies, and she doesn't even know. Quite irresponsible for a ruler, don't you think? Also, she is probably the most annoying person in the whole franchise. Her voice in games like Mario Kart and Mario Tennis is literally like nails on a chalkboard to me. Anyway, that's why shes at last place.

4.)Princess Shroob-
That's right, an ANTAGONIST ranked higher than Princess Daisy. But seriously, I actually have respect for Princess Shroob. She demands the utmost respect of her subjects, and receives it. She and her sister ruled the Shroobs together and almost completely took over Mushroom Kingdom. Unfortunately for her, she couldn't stand up to the Mario Bros. But anyone who has that sort of control over her subjects is worthy of mention.

3.) Princess Peach-
Peach had one game where she actually did anything useful. Of course, that game was actually pretty terrible, but she did do something. However, most of the time she gets kidnapped by Bowser. You'd THINK she'd up her protection after the 20th time, but whatever. Obviously, I'm not monarch material. Even her treatment of her subjects is iffy. In most of the games, she is a kind ruler who is fair and just. But once Super Smash Bros comes along, the Toads act as a human shield to protect their princess. What a douche!

2.) Pauline-
Though technically not a princess, Pauline is definitely one of the BEST female characters in the game. She was abandoned as the primary damsel in distress, replaced by Princess Peach, and STILL returned in other Mario games. She is even still on speaking terms with Mario after the breakup. This woman is truly a trooper!

1.) Rosalina
I spent a really long time thinking of a valid argument for Rosalina being #1. Just think about it: Rosalina is a princess in SPACE. Already a good arguement because space is awesome. But then you factor in the fact that she adopted a whole race of star people when she was a little girl. Also, still when she was a girl, she rode a comet INTO SPACE. No need for any breathing equipment, she has all the air she needs. She at some point taught herself magic, and (from no known previous experience) she built a space ship/space station out of a comet. She LITERALLY can do anything. I have no clue just how she pulled it off, but she managed to do it AS A LITTLE GIRL! She wins. Hands down.

So, you know, leave a comment about just what you think the best princess is in Mario games. Doesn't even have to be Mario either, just favorite female characters in Nintendo games. Also, just so you guys know, I will be gone until Friday at the earliest on vacation. So don't expect any updates for a while. Don't forget to follow my blog. My YouTube channel hit a minor snag involving some lost footage, but it will be up soon. Thanks for passing by!