Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What I've Been Up To: Games

Sorry guys. I've been enjoying my summer just a little too much. I completely spaced the last few days of posting. I figured should tell you all about my gaming so far this summer.

1.) Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga: This is one of my favorite games, and I just recently restarted it. I'll probably do a Favorite Game post about this because it could take me a whole 5 page essay to describe what I enjoy about this game. Those of you who are familiar with this series may not have heard of/ played this game. I assure you it is the best one. I've nearly completed it again, and already I wonder when I can play through it again.

Super Mario Galaxy (1)- I know, another Mario title. I think I'm getting back into the Nintendo kick again. I loved their games since I was little, and I still love them today. The reason I am playing the first Galaxy game is because I never collected all the stars, which unlocks (spoiler alert) Super Luigi Galaxy. I stopped playing the game because I wanted to play the sequel really badly. And  now that I finished the second one, its time for me to finish what I started.

Surgeon Simulator 2013: Completely different from the last 2 games, but still an interesting title. Especially since the Meet the Medic update. In this update, you can play as the Medic from TF2 and perform surgery on the Heavy Weapons Guy. Pretty much follow exactly what the Medic did in the trailer for TF2: Meet the Medic (link here). It's a lot of fun, and I was surprised that Valve even let them do it. Definitely check it out. (Note: the free version online doesn't have the Meet the Medic Update)

So, yeah. That's pretty much the gaming highlights of my summer. I mean, I played a lot of other games, but not to the extent of these three. Leave a comment about what games you've been playing. I will try to post more frequently, so don't forget to follow my blog! Thanks

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Who is the Fairest?

I've been spending some time thinking about the characters in Super Mario, and I asked myself the question: Which Mario princess is the best? I feel like I need to be doing more Top 5s, so why not another one?

5.)Princess Daisy-
There are SO many things I dislike about Princess Daisy. First of all, she got kidnapped like Peach did. (Not as often, but still not good) She is never guarding her kingdom, and is always spending time in Mushroom Kingdom. For all we know, Sarasaland (her kingdom) has been taken over by countless baddies, and she doesn't even know. Quite irresponsible for a ruler, don't you think? Also, she is probably the most annoying person in the whole franchise. Her voice in games like Mario Kart and Mario Tennis is literally like nails on a chalkboard to me. Anyway, that's why shes at last place.

4.)Princess Shroob-
That's right, an ANTAGONIST ranked higher than Princess Daisy. But seriously, I actually have respect for Princess Shroob. She demands the utmost respect of her subjects, and receives it. She and her sister ruled the Shroobs together and almost completely took over Mushroom Kingdom. Unfortunately for her, she couldn't stand up to the Mario Bros. But anyone who has that sort of control over her subjects is worthy of mention.

3.) Princess Peach-
Peach had one game where she actually did anything useful. Of course, that game was actually pretty terrible, but she did do something. However, most of the time she gets kidnapped by Bowser. You'd THINK she'd up her protection after the 20th time, but whatever. Obviously, I'm not monarch material. Even her treatment of her subjects is iffy. In most of the games, she is a kind ruler who is fair and just. But once Super Smash Bros comes along, the Toads act as a human shield to protect their princess. What a douche!

2.) Pauline-
Though technically not a princess, Pauline is definitely one of the BEST female characters in the game. She was abandoned as the primary damsel in distress, replaced by Princess Peach, and STILL returned in other Mario games. She is even still on speaking terms with Mario after the breakup. This woman is truly a trooper!

1.) Rosalina
I spent a really long time thinking of a valid argument for Rosalina being #1. Just think about it: Rosalina is a princess in SPACE. Already a good arguement because space is awesome. But then you factor in the fact that she adopted a whole race of star people when she was a little girl. Also, still when she was a girl, she rode a comet INTO SPACE. No need for any breathing equipment, she has all the air she needs. She at some point taught herself magic, and (from no known previous experience) she built a space ship/space station out of a comet. She LITERALLY can do anything. I have no clue just how she pulled it off, but she managed to do it AS A LITTLE GIRL! She wins. Hands down.

So, you know, leave a comment about just what you think the best princess is in Mario games. Doesn't even have to be Mario either, just favorite female characters in Nintendo games. Also, just so you guys know, I will be gone until Friday at the earliest on vacation. So don't expect any updates for a while. Don't forget to follow my blog. My YouTube channel hit a minor snag involving some lost footage, but it will be up soon. Thanks for passing by!