Friday, February 28, 2014


Hi! This is NerdWorld here! It's been quite a while since my last update, and it's because I was kidnapped! I mean, that's the only reasonable excuse since my last post was back in FREAKING NOVEMBER!!!!!!! Otherwise I'd have to be some kind of moron. So obviously I have a good excuse.
Now, to what video game things I was allowed to do in my moist dungeon cell. I've recently been getting back into the Gamecube kick. Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, Double Dash, that sort of stuff. In fact, I've recently been trying to collect myself a GameBoy Player. I remember when I first saw them release it back in 2003, I wanted it. Of course, I was still too young to buy my own stuff back then. Now I'm trying to pick up where I missed out. I'm definitely going to increase my collection of GameBoy games. Such as....

Super Mario Land 1 and 2-

My original copy of Super Mario Land 1 went missing a long time ago, and I'm not all that thrilled about it. Also, Super Mario Land 2 is a fairly good game. I prefer the first one (much to many people's surprise) but the second one is definitely worth a playthrough.

Donkey Kong (GameBoy)-
I've played a little of this game, and it's not half bad. If any of you have played the Mario VS Donkey Kong game for the GameBoy Advanced, I'm assuming this is what they based the gameplay for that on. It starts out with the original Donkey Kong arcade levels, then moves on to different worlds like in other Mario games.

Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald-

I've played through Ruby before (even beat it in one night when I was bored) and I like it a lot. I think Emerald had some better gameplay though. It had different challenge domes than Ruby/Sapphire did. Also Rayquaza is flying, and I've always been a sucker for a flying type pokemon.

These are just a few games I'd like to get my hands on. However, once I get a GameBoy Player, I am DEFINITELY playing through Mario And Luigi: Superstar Saga again. Anyway, hopefully I actually update this freaking blog more often. I actually enjoy my tiny rants about video games. Anyway, comment and such about what you guys have been up to gamewise.